Archive for February 11, 2007

Obesity Reaches Preschool

In the Article “Obesity Reaches Preschool” from ABC News, I read some pretty sad things about young children who suffer from obesity.  We all know that Americans are overweight, but isn’t it just adults? Wrong.  Children as young as 3 and 4 suffer from obesity.  Kayla Matos-Galo is a 4-year-old preschooler who, when you look at the scale, could be a twelve-year-old.  She weighs a whopping 95 pounds!  Kayla has no medical problems; doctors say she just eats too much and went a long time with no physical activity whatsoever.  A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that in 1980, 7 percent of children suffered from obesity.  In 2006, the percent increased to 19.  Her mother, Luz Matos, says she is worried, but always gave the child what she wanted.

“I didn’t want to see it, that she was obese,” Kayla’s mom, Luz Matos, explained. “I gave her chips. ‘Mom, I want chips!’ I gave her little baggies of chips, a lot of Popsicles, candy. I was neglecting.”

This is sickening to me.  Adults are one thing, but children?  I just think it’s so sad that kids, our future, are already learning these eating habits.  I believe that it’s the responsibilty of the parent while the child is still young to bring them up with healthy eating habits, so that when they are older and more independant they are able to make healthy choices for themselves.  Not only will this impact the child’s physical life-not being able to keep up in gym class-but also their social life.  Whether we like it or not, even young kids are judged by their peers based on how they look.  If and when I am a parent, I am going to do anything and everything I can to bring my child up in a healthy environment.  I would never want to see my child already limping through life at such a young age. 

Yellin, Jessica. “Obesity Reaches Preschool.” ABC News 9/2/07 11/2/07 <;.

February 11, 2007 at 10:09 pm 1 comment

Be My Valentine–Or Not

In the recent ABC News Article “Be My Valentine–Or Not”, it talks about the highs and lows of February 14, Valentines Day.  For many people this is a day of romance and celebration, but others try to avoid all the comotion that this holiday causes, and dread it entirely.  Even for the lucky ones with a valentine or a “special someone”, finding ways to celebrate can be a difficult task all by itself.  Village Voice columnist and New York nightlife personality Michael Musto has his own view about the most romantic day of the year:

“It’s an enforced day of romance, almost legislating a connection between a couple that should be there anyway,” he said. But “if you’re going to celebrate it, you might as well have fun.”

If you find yourself at a loss for romance-enduced ideas on this special day, you can most likely find some sort of professional help to get you going.  Samantha Sperling is the owner of Polished Social Image Consultants in New York City, a firm offering everything from dance lessons to personal shopping.  She suggest activities that you can plan to have fun with your valentine, instead of the usual heart-shaped box of chocolates.

“You can make dinner reservations, you can buy spa packages, you can actually call in sick from work and make a day of it,” Sperling said. “You can take your date shopping, offer to buy her a dress, have her try things on. Maybe there is something that she’s always wanted.”

On a personal level this article was more interesting to read then actually helpful, because i actually don’t have a valentine! I think that the ideas that were suggested were good ones.  From a girl’s perspective, its not all about the chocolates or the flowers, but about the memories that you shared and the thought that went into it.  I know i would love to have a day at the spa or a day of shopping, what girl wouldn’t!?

Brundige, Wendy. “Be My Valentine–Or Not.” ABC News 10/2/07 11/2/07 <;.

February 11, 2007 at 9:30 pm 1 comment


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